If there is one trait that is indispensable to the nature of man it is the virtue of charity. Nothing is more noteworthy than the competency to give unconditionally and spread the spirit of global giving. Charity, in true sense, lifts up the giver.
The Chairman and Founder of Adgeco Group, Mr. Mohamed Dekkak who has been helping the people in Morocco and West Africa particularly the children, women, socially disadvantaged and physically challenged individuals believes that charity is not measured by how much you have given out. He also believes that if he succeeds to inspire the others to follow his example that is considered as effective leadership. Generosity does not depend on the monetary value but more on the intent to help and serve.
Charity must be done voluntarily without any expectation. We should not even expect gratefulness. The essential requirement in the virtue of charity is selflessness while putting it into action. Everything we give should come from our hearts and expect nothing in return.
Undoubtedly, the best act of charity is the virtue of forgiveness, the ability and willingness to give back with benevolence to an act of misdemeanor. According to Shakespeare, “Mercy is twice blessed. It blesses him that gives and him that takes”
Charity is determined not through its degree but the generosity of spirit when it is delivered. The feeling of nobility or pride should not even go to our heads. Charity can be also expressed by sharing knowledge or giving moral support to those who are facing adversities. Not all of us need monetary assistance, having someone who is willing to listen to us exhibits charity.
The best work out for everybody’s heart is by reaching down and helping others to rise up through charity work. Charity should start within the family; and the parents are responsible in coaching their children on how to help those in need. Acts of charity gives you satisfaction and contentment in the fact that you are able to help someone. It is true that we have not lived until we did something to somebody worth recollection.
Charities grow through the considerate and liberal donations of people. Without these donations, it would be difficult to charitable institutions to continue their good works. Several volunteers and nonprofit organizations have used fun charity fundraising ideas for financial support and let them carry on their good deeds. Through this strategy, the community can partake in raising money for a good cause.
In order for us to live fully, long and contented, we must try to invest in people and doing charitable work is the best way to do it. We have a great dependability of volunteering, which regrettably many of us think is a preference. The reason why volunteers are not paid is because they are beyond price. There is no better investment than in kindness and love. Money and other assets are expected to lose it luster and value with time.
The most excellent investment is where you expect no returns. That is the real meaning of love, it must be unselfish and absolute. There are two things that man must have if he wants to experience the full benefit of charity and find living meaningful; and these are attitude and love.
Ellen Campbell
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